44 wishes for you from me:
I wish that -
1 - you could be independently wealthy and not have to work so hard for us.
2 - the kids would do everything that needs to be done without you having to tell them.
3 - the kitchen was done.
4 - computers wouldn't break.
5 - the fence wouldn't break.
6 - the vans would automatically fill up with fuel that we wouldn't need to go get or pay for.
7 - I would be more organized and not leave unfinished projects all over the place.
8 - I wouldn't leave hair dryers and curling irons and all kinds of other things on the bathroom counter so you wouldn't have to move things to get to your toothpaste.
9 - the boxes and eggshells and packages that get used for cooking would magically find their way to the trashcan instead of sitting on the counter for hours.
10 - you could play guitar for hours instead of work for hours.
11 - you wouldn't whack your fingers with tools.
12 - you wouldn't get any more splinters.
13 - we could go to Disney World whenever we wanted for free.
14 - your Mustang was running.
15 - and that the parts to fix it were free.
16 - your knees wouldn't hurt.
17 - our bedroom was done.
18 - our bathroom was done.
19 - the mortgage was paid off.
20 - the barn was re-done and filled with self-maintained animals.
21 - it rained upside down cranberry cake.
22 - no one would drink your juice before you can.
23 - or eat your food.
24 - you would have a new pair of socks every day for the rest of your life.
25 - sunglasses didn't break.
26 - or get lost, or left at job sites.
27 - people paid on time for jobs that you complete.
28 - cows were always where they were supposed to be when they were supposed to be there.
29 - and that they would calmly get in the trailer to go to market.
30 - things wouldn't leap into your eyes and get stuck there.
31 - it would feel like 10 hours of sleep even when you only get 2.
32 - oreos and jello would no longer be considered foods.
33 - you could be a blacksmith.
34 - and an FBI agent.
35 - and a pilot.
36 - and a lumberjack.
37 - and an alaskan king crab fisherman.
38 - and that you had all the time in the world to try them all so you could figure out what you want to be when you grow up.
39 - when you got home from work you could have hours left in the day to run on the treadmill, lift weights, read, watch movies, sit in a jacuzzi...
40 - you had a jacuzzi.
41 - North Carolina and Utah were next to each other.
42 - the sun would shine at a nice 85 degrees in a bubble around you while it rained (or snowed) on the fields.
43 - whatever tool you needed showed up on the work table next to you ready to go.
44 - for every silly thing that you have to endure more hair would grow on your head (and not the gray kind!).