I've debated putting up this post for a while, but then I figured, what the heck? It's my blog, I can put whatever I want on it!
So, in no particular order, here are some things I hate:
1 - The cows getting out. It really makes me stress.
2 - People talking to me about things I post here or on Facebook. To me it seems that since I posted it, the conversation about it is over. It's out there. It doesn't need to be discussed.
3 - Not knowing the outcome of things...like the scores of games or how a movie or book is going to end. I will read the ending first and if I like it, then I will read the book. It doesn't ruin it for me at all, even though people give me grief about it. I also DVR movies and will fast forward to the end to see if it's worth my time to watch the movie. Sitting at my kids' soccer games and track things can almost make me sick to my stomach...not knowing how it's going to end!
4 - The stupid 'tradition' of buying a 'smash' cake for a first birthday and taking photos of the birthday kid making a mess with it. It's just gross. And sticky and a waste of money.
5 - Dusting. and cleaning windows...nope, not my favorite things.
6 - Not having enough time to put my own house in order because my 'order helper' is helping everyone else.
7 - The days when I feel like everything I do is a waste of time because it's just going to get dirty/messy/dusty/slept in/muddy/whatever again anyway.
8 - When people make a statement and expect me to respond. I wasn't asked a question. If you were comfortable enough to make the statement, you don't need a yes/no/comment from me.
9 - People assuming I'm depressed because I like to be alone. Sometimes I just like my own company. I can read or scrapbook or watch a movie without someone saying "MMMMOOOOMMMMMYYYYY". It's kind of nice actually!
Okey-dokey. That's enough for now.