Last week the high school soccer team played against Lake Norman. Nasty game - but North played really well! North's JV and Varsity only lost 1-0. North usually loses by several goals (and I won't even get into how bad it's been some years....)
Anyway - the local newspaper (the Rubbish and Landfill) has a reporter who ADORES Lake REALLY loves them - he's the 'only one' who can write Lake Norman's sports articles. So, there was this article a couple of days ago in which he started out by saying that this "might ruffle some feathers but" and then a bunch of stupid remarks about how 'Lake Norman paid for it by traveling to North to play soccer and it wasn't worth it' and on and on about how brutal North's players are. I got this picture during the game - Tyler is in RED. Lake Norman is in BLUE. Who looks more brutal???
Basically, I think they (the coach AND the stupid reporter) were upset that it was ONLY 1-0 instead of the normal 6 or 7 to 0. Next year, we'll win.
Kirsten said something funny yesterday:
"when I 'bees' 6, Kyle will come home and I will see what he looks like and when I 'bees' 8, I will get 'bathtized'" In case you aren't fluent in Kirsten-eese, what she said is "When I am 6 years old, my brother Kyle will come home from his mission and I can see him and when I turn 8 years old, I will get baptized."
I did some Christmas shopping today (I KNOW it's only September...) I got Brandee and Scott a GREAT/WONDERFUL/FABULOUS Christmas gift! I don't know if it's worse to have it sitting at our house until I ship it, or if it would be more torture to wrap it and ship it to them now with the instruction that they can't open it til Christmas?? I'll have to think about it.
okay, PLEASE leave it at your house! I will definitely open it!!!
Tanner, my 2 year old, saw the kitty and was in love. Very cute!
Susan - If Tanner loves the kitty, I can ship her to you.....:)
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