Sunday, July 13, 2008

Graduation and other stuff

I wanted to post a picture from Kyle's graduation. 2 down....6 to go! It was a great night and we are very proud of him!

other stuff: Tim and all 5 boys are away at Scout Camp this week. It's time for some chick flicks! I will also be working on cleaning up and throwing out to get ready for Brandee's reception. I figure with the boys gone, they can't say "don't get rid of that" or "I need that" even though it's ripped, dirty, broken or unidentifiable. The trash truck comes tomorrow to empty out the dumpster and then I can refill it!

I've been canning - peaches and zucchini relish. I love to see the finished jars all lined up on the counter! We're all looking forward to 'fresh' peaches this winter.

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